Web site


Resources on concept mapping

www.ihmc.us Institute for Human and Machine Technology (Florida). Thanks you for free CmapTools
http://map.dschola.it  Italian community of practices on graphic organizers of knowledge and concept mapping
http://www.pavonerisorse.to.it/cacrt/mappe/ Concept maps in didactics by Marco Guastavigna (italian documentation)
http://wiki.conceptmapping.org  Wiki community on concept mapping created after 1st Conference on Concept Mapping (Pamplona 2004) by Martin Cleaver
http://www.divini.net/cmap Risorse per il concept mapping dell' ITIS "Divini", San Severino Marche (italiano)
http://nationalgeographic.com Education Foundation for geographic literacy
http://earth.google.com A free tool that make you see the world and maybe your school from the space
www.ashoka.org A global network of people working to make competitive citizens for a better world
http://www.changemakers.net Social entrepreneurs at work on Ethics
http://www.globalethics.org/ Promoter of Ethical Behaviour in Individuals, Institutions and Nations
http://orgs.bloomu.edu/gasi/Index.html Global Awareness Society International
http://www.socialedge.org Connect social entrepreneurs, their partners and allies to discuss...
http://www.weltethos.org/dat_eng/index_e.htm Global Ethics; for an Inter-Cultural and Inter-Religious research and Education
Students in the world
http://www.etwinning.net/ww/en/pub/etwinning/index.htm Multilingual portal for school partnerships in Europe
http://www.epals.com Global network portal for email-collaborative Education Technology
www.epals.com/projects/helping_hands Project Concern International from ePALS organzation
The Global Virtual Classroom vision is to empower, enable and connect students around the world using Internet technology. "The world is our classroom"
International education & technology
http://www.conexiones.eafit.edu.co Proyecto de investigación en informática educativa de la Universidad EAFIT (Medellín)
http://www.educar.org Comunidades virtuales de aprendizaje colectivo que apoyen iniciativas locales, comunitarias y regionales sobre contenidos educativos
http://eaprender.org Comunidades Virtuales de Aprendizaje Colectivo
http://www.fenocin.org organización étnica intercultural, porque engloba toda la diversidad del pueblo ecuatoriano
http://www.alis-online.org Alianza para el de Sociedad de la Información con los expertos y los usuarios de toda Europa y Latinoamérica
http://paueducation.com Comunidad Educativa de Miquel Àngel Alabart, Barcelona
http://www.iemonline.org Instituto Educativo Moderno, Costa Rica
http://www.integraproject.org/ Integrating new technologies in America Latin
Science Inquiry Education
http://www.lamap.fr La màin a la pâte, science education based on inquiry method (French)
http://www.scienzainrete.it Science education based on inquiry method (Italian)

Signal us new links or suggest any change about this page to info@2wmaps.com